Blog Post for Fitness Company

Fitness company blog post - stock photo of woman pouring water into a glass with cucumber.

This blog post was written for a fitness company’s clients with an exclusive membership. They had to log into their account to read the blog.

10 Ways to Improve Your Health Today

We often think of exercising and eating well as the core steps to being healthier. And while these are essential components of a healthy lifestyle, they are vague and broad.  Getting healthier is as simple as these 10 small, immediate actions that you can take today.

1.  Drink More Water

Water is essential for your body, and many of us don’t drink enough. Drinking enough water has physical and mental benefits and can help you eat fewer calories and stay energized throughout the day.  Replenishing water lost after a workout is essential as well.  Keep in mind that most of us need only water after exercise, not sports drinks, which usually contain a lot of sugar and artificial ingredients. 

2. Eat More Fiber

Fiber is another part of a healthy diet that we usually don’t get enough of.  Fiber helps with digestion, keeps us fuller for longer, and helps prevent disease.  If you aren’t used to eating much fiber, slowly increase your intake by adding legumes or whole grain bread/pasta to one meal.   

3. Move Your Body More

Our bodies are meant to move!  Working out is great, but we also need to move throughout the day.  Small movements add up and help increase your total calories burned for the day. 

Here are some ideas:

·         taking the stairs

·         parking further away

·         walking the dog

·         walking while talking on the phone

·         riding bikes with your child

·         asking a coworker a question at their desk instead of sending an email

·         walking to the mailbox

4. Get in Nature

We are also meant to be in nature.  Scientists are finding that being in nature can have tremendous mental health benefits, like decreasing depression and increasing mindfulness. To get the most of being in nature, practice being in the moment, without distraction.  Observe the things around you, like birds or flowers, and pay attention to things you may not have noticed before.

5. Have More Fun

It’s easy to get stuck in meeting only the obligations and responsibilities of life.  While reaching goals are important and feel good, many of us need more plain old fun.  Fun is subjective, but its health benefits are the same: reduced stress, more mindfulness, positive feelings, and more.  Being active, trying something new, enjoying a hobby, and exploring somewhere unfamiliar are some ideas to sprinkle more fun into the week.

6. Reduce Stress

From headaches and insomnia to mood swings and weight gain, stress has a detrimental effect on health.  While we can’t avoid all stress, there are ways to alleviate it and take back your health.  Some ideas are to meditate, take mindful walks, consistently participate in hobbies, journal, take an exercise class, socialize, and clear your calendar for an hour or two to do something you enjoy.  There is no wrong way or minimum duration for these activities, so start small if it seems like there isn’t much time.  Try to do something to de-stress each day.

7. Connect with Friends and Family

Connecting with friends and family is particularly important, although it is sometimes challenging to meet up because of our busyness.  Humans are social beings, and our mental and physical health can decline if we’re not connecting in meaningful ways.  In addition, connection reduces stress, lowers depression, makes us feel good, and increases self-esteem and empathy. 

8. Say No

Say no when you mean no.  Unfortunately, sometimes saying yes when you really mean no can stir up feelings of resentment or resistance.  These aren’t healthy emotions, on top of having an extra to-do on your list. 

9. Floss

Flossing isn’t top-of-mind when talking about health, but it’s an important factor that is often overlooked.  Regularly flossing can help prevent gum disease, which has been linked to diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and premature birth weight. 

10. Eat More Protein

Protein is a macronutrient that helps our bodies build and repair our organs, bones, and muscles, especially if you are exercising.  Higher protein diets help keep us full longer, leading to lower calorie consumption and lower body weight.

Starting or adding to your health journey can be as simple as picking one thing on this list to do today.  Remember that being healthy includes physical and mental health and that you can intentionally take a step each day to better health. 


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